Masterful Management

Masterful Management is a one-stop, on-demand training platform, housing over 550 expert-authored, soft skill courses leaders, managers, supervisors, and teams need for business success.  For a flat annual fee, clients get premium course content without paying a premium, address soft skills training needs for years to come, and keep learners engaged by staying in touch when they can’t be face-to-face.

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Sector Specific


Retail essentials; Applied retail

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Human Resources


Diversity & inclusion; HR essentials; Hybrid workforce; Learning essentials; Nurturing talent; Recruitment 101 essentials; Work ethic

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Sales & Service


Applied customer service; Customer service essentials; Customer service mastery; Applied sales skills; Sales essentials; Sales mastery

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Artificial intelligence essentials; Coding for everyone; Cybersecurity

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Safety & Compliance


Compliance essentials; Food safety essentials; OSHA work safety; Workplace safety essentials; Workplace health

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Business Skills


Business innovation; Business Continuity; Coaching essentials; Data analysis; Digital transformation; Finance essentials; Marketing essentials; Marketing skills mastery; Mindfulness; Applied project management; Project management essentials; Project management mastery; Teamwork essentials

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Personal Development


Career management; Mastering happiness; Networking; Online social presence; Personal finances; Presentation skills; Risk & uncertainty; Wellbeing essentials

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Adaptive leadership; Communication skills; Entrepreneurship; Leadership essentials; Leadership tool kit; Remote leadership; Safety leadership; Situational leadership; Leadership role model

Sample Trailer

Business & Life

The entrepreneurial and executive challenge is to get more out of work while simultaneously living your best life. The two, alas, are more often than not polar opposites, one thriving at the cost and detriment of the other. In the extended Business & Life track, you’ll put a multitude of tools into play, helping you to be more a more effective person and workplace contributor. You’ll learn how to thrive in a business that supports your personal vision, get a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses and use that information to inform goals, find answers to problems that allow you to make critical decisions, better manage multiple competing issues and demands on your time, and be generally happier and more productive at work and play.

Session topics include:

  • Visioning
  • Mission statement generator
  • Business vision in action
  • Business SWOT analysis
  • Business strengths builder
  • Business weakness zappers
  • Goals, quarterly priorities and to do’s
  • Mentor magic
  • Urgence and importance matrix
  • Interruptions blaster
  • Big rocks
  • Delegation identifier
  • Action priority matrix
  • Personal SWOT analysis
  • Personal strengths builder
  • Personal weakness zappers
  • Daily success habits
  • Hidden time wasters
  • Reclaim your energy
  • Let go list
  • Tolerations no more


Most people come to coaching with specific goals in mind.  But to be truly happy, we need to do more than simply achieve our goals.  We need to know who we are and be congruent with that sense of self, aligning our values with our actions and decisions.  In the Self-Discovery track, you’ll get to know yourself better and learn to express yourself more authentically in the world, aligning your values, priorities and actions with who you really are.

Session topics include:

  • My heart sings
  • Who am I?
  • Role model confidence boosters
  • Personal values
  • Daily gratitude diary
  • Intuition and dream symbols
  • Draw out the gremlin

Career Coaching

Whether you’re dissatisfied at work and actively contemplating a new career, going through a role change, or in search of career advancement opportunities, the Career Coaching track will teach you how to boost your strengths and minimize your weaknesses, discover what’s truly important to you in your work, and identify patterns and threads that will lead you to a happier career.

Session topics include:

  • Reclaim your power at work
  • Personal SWOT
  • Identify your career values
  • Boost your strengths
  • Zap your weaknesses
  • Career discovery
  • 360 feedback


When you have a vision for your life, it makes everything easier, including prioritizing actions, eliminating non-essential tasks and making tough decisions. And when your goals align with your vision, you’re more motivated to “do the work.” In the Goal-Setting track, you’ll learn how to “chunk down” vision into smaller, more meaningful (and exciting) priorities that drive daily activities and commitments.

Session topics include:

  • Whole life vision
  • 10-year vision
  • 90-day vision
  • Wacky wild goals
  • Goal why’s
  • Goal motivators
  • SMART goal-setting
  • Annual goal-setting

Time Management

For many of us, it’s a given that we work hard, but are we always working effectively? What could we gain if we managed our time better? Could we take the time we’ve “found” and invest it in other important things, like relationships, inner peace, serving others, and pursuing interests and passions? In the Time Management track, you’ll learn to identify and prioritize what really matters, across life and work, and apply proven techniques, tools and strategies that ensure your priorities are prioritized.

Session topics include:

  • Big rocks and little rocks
  • Urgence and importance quadrants
  • Action priority matrix
  • New to-do list
  • From inspiration to action
  • Interruptions blaster
  • Not to-do list
  • Hidden time waster reveal

Balance and Self-Care

We live in a society that lauds achievement, status and success. We work ourselves to the bone, ignoring what our bodies and minds are telling us along the way. What’s the point of success and a great career, if you’re always stressed, overwhelmed, and fatigued? In the Balance and Self-Care track, you’ll learn to prioritize life balance and self-care, and to reclaim joy and substance in your life.

Session topics include:

  • The wheel of life
  • Self-care quiz
  • Comfort zone
  • Energy zappers
  • Relationship detox
  • Self-care & needs review
  • The power of No!
  • Letting go

Life Coaching

To achieve things that give our life meaning, we need to find ways to stay energized, get stuff done and keep moving forward. In the Life Coaching track, you’ll feel energized, inspired and supported to do more of what you love and less of what you don’t. You’ll learn to effectively plan your week and create supportive daily habits to help you take stock of where you are, get “unstuck”, and bring lightness to big and overwhelming tasks.

Session topics include:

  • Spark team
  • Love and loathe list
  • Weekly success planning
  • Daily success habits
  • Take stock and act
  • Stop procrastinating
  • Unstick yourself
  • Eat your elephant

Limited time offer

Spring Clean Your Life


To “spring clean” your life, you need to understand how and where your life is draining you.  For many, that feeling of being overwhelmed comes from too many tasks, too many commitments, and being surrounded by people who don’t support or inspire you.  In this limited time Spring Clean Your Life offering, you’ll establish a clear 90-day plan for living your life “on purpose.”

Session topics include:

  • The wheel of life
  • Take stock and act
  • Energy zappers
  • Stop procrastinating
  • Detox toxic relationships
  • Three-month vision
  • Letting go
  • Daily success habits

Contact me to schedule a free 15-minute call to identify your needs and determine if we are a fit.


Most people come to coaching with specific goals in mind.  But to be truly happy, we need to do more than simply achieve our goals.  We need to know who we are and be congruent with that sense of self, aligning our values with our actions and decisions.  In the Self-Discovery track, you’ll get to know yourself better and learn to express yourself more authentically in the world, aligning your values, priorities and actions with who you really are.

Session topics include:

  • My heart sings
  • Who am I?
  • Role model confidence boosters
  • Personal values
  • Daily gratitude diary
  • Intuition and dream symbols
  • Draw out the gremlin